Getting started with Hala

Last Updated: 25.10.2019

This next diagram and tutorial are describing how to start work with Hala.

Step 1: Open Hala Platform

  1. Go to the Hala Platform

  2. Sign up for free

Step 2: Create a Skill

  1. Go to the Skills Kit section in Hala Platform

  2. Create you first skill, by providing the Skill name, description and tags

  3. Click Save skill to create the skill

  4. Now you can build the dialog by using dialog nodes. Before you start adding the dialog nodes, you would need to create at least one intent.

Step 3: Add intent

  1. Go to the Intents section on the Hala Platform and press New Utterance

  2. Now you need to provide examples of how the end-users can write about suspicious emails. You need to provide at least five examples. After the entering dataSave your changes and train model

Step 4: Build a dialog

  1. Go to the Skill Kit section on the Hala Platform and open your skill

  2. Create the first root node by pressing the button Add root node

  3. Open the created dialog node and fill it.

  • Name - you can enter any value, for example "Get question from the user"

  • Conditions - here you need to specify created intent intent.suspicious_emails

  • Actions - skip this section

  • Context - skip this section

  • Output - in output we can specify the answer from Hala for questions related to the suspicious emails. For example, we can create next output:

  • Behavior - skip this section

Save the changes by pressing button "Save Changes". Now you have created the simple skill with one dialog node.

Step 5: Test

Test the results. Go to the Hala Web Chat and type the first message in the chat. You can type one of the trained phrases, or you can use new phrases that weren't specified in intent training.

Next Steps

With this tutorial, you can build a simple Skill. For real case scenarios, you would need to define more intents, entities, a complex dialog that uses them both, and also add the integration with enterprise software. As traffic increases between the assistant and your end-users, you can use the Dashboard section to analyze real conversations and identify areas for improvement.

Lear more in the following sections:

Last updated